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Bunk Bed Curtains
At Bunk Beds Canada, we offer real premium knot-free solid hardwood bunk beds. You can add bunk bed curtains and top tents to them and create a fun environment for your youngsters.
Our bunk beds with curtains or top tent are part of our Modular Collection. We are literally combining a bunk bed from this collection to a curtain from the same collection to create our bunk beds with curtains and top tent collection.
Our bunk beds are heavy duty and can easily take 400 lb of weight on upper bunk.
Bunk Bed Curtains Sizes
Sizes are limited to twin over twin and double over double for our bunk beds with curtains. You can add curtains to the twin over full size, for example, if you wish but the overall look may not be as pleasing although the fun factor will be there.
We also do not offer this line of products in extra long sizes since curtains are geared toward children and kids.
You can choose, however, three different heights of bunk beds. For higher bunk beds, we add a little extension to our curtains to compensate for extra height and they work very well.
Bunk Bed Curtains Usage
It is not hard to guess that entendent users are children! Curtains and top tents add a lot of fun and joy to your room. Seeing your kids smile and happiness really make you wish you were a kid again.
We do offer many color combinations of curtains and three wood colors for bunk bed frames. Although we do not believe color has gender, yet we do have proverbial pink and blue for both boys and girls.
Bunk Bed Curtains Material
We use all cotton material on our curtains and polyester material for their windows. To wash, you can use a gentle cycle and do not put them into the dryer.